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Product design idea of LED street lamp manufacturer

发布时间:2018-04-27 10:48:14    浏览:1357
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  上一篇我们就led路灯生产厂家的产品设计理念做了详细的介绍和说明。本期我们简单的对Product design idea of LED street lamp manufacturer进行描述,作为专业的LED路灯生产厂家丹阳祥云照明器材有限公司,我们将尽心整理并发布各种LED路灯相关知识,竭诚为您服务。

LED street lamp manufacturer introduces the light and color problem of LED street lamp. The high-power LED street lamp, as the light source of road lighting, is too cold and even gloomy for visual perception, which is not conducive to motor vehicle driving. The life of the LED street lamp is not high. The average life span of the high pressure sodium lamp is 4 years. There is no practical experience for the life of LED street lamps. The existing enterprises are known as 50 thousand hours, and there is no reliable basis. Because the capacitor life of the LED drive circuit device is only about 10 thousand hours.

The high-power LED street lamp basically uses the white light with 5000K color temperature. As a light source of road lighting, the sense of vision is too cold, and the observation ability will fall when far sighting. In this respect, the use unit of the street lamp has the most speaking right. The yellow or warm white light around 3000K is more suitable for road lighting, so the light colored LED Street lamp is not suitable for the use of street lamps.

LED street lamp manufacturer"s LED street lamps lack unified technical standards in product specifications, and there is no unified LED road lamp production technical standard. Each manufacturer produces its own product according to its own standard. It is difficult to use one another. In addition, the lamps and lanterns are composed of the lamps and lanterns, and the lamps and lanterns are assembled and the lamps are bundled. The different working characteristics are difficult to maintain when tied together, and the original products must be used for maintenance.


  Product design idea of LED street lamp manufacturer由LED路灯及配件生产厂家丹阳祥云照明器材有限公司于 2018-04-27 10:48:14 整理发布。

