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What are the inherent advantages of LED street lamps to determine its price?

发布时间:2018-04-27 10:44:27    浏览:1337
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  上一篇我们就led路灯有哪些先天的优点决定它的价格做了详细的介绍和说明。本期我们简单的对What are the inherent advantages of LED street lamps to determine its price?进行描述,作为专业的LED路灯生产厂家丹阳祥云照明器材有限公司,我们将尽心整理并发布各种LED路灯相关知识,竭诚为您服务。

LED has its inherent advantages in street lighting. Its advantages lie in:

1, LED as a point light source, if the design is reasonable, to a large extent, can directly solve the traditional ball light source must rely on light emission to solve the two times of light loss and loss.

2. The uniformity of the light radiation surface is controllable, and it can be completely uniform in the target area in theory, which can also avoid the waste of light in the traditional light "light" phenomenon.

3, color temperature is optional, so it is also an important way to improve efficiency and reduce cost in different occasions.

4, the space of technological progress is still very big.

Optical reasonableness of 5 and LED street lamps

Unlike traditional lighting, LED has the characteristics of point light source, high brightness and narrow beam output. LED street lamps should first consider the full use of limited luminous flux to the effective range of illumination, road lamps require the effect of road lighting, beyond the road surface is not the effective range of street lighting. Therefore, to effectively control the distribution of light, the light emitted by the light emitting tube becomes a long strip of light spread along the direction of the road, and also to give consideration to the appearance of glare, which is a higher requirement for the designers of the new LED luminaire.

6, the main technical performance indicators of current LED street lamps are compared:

7. Calculation of energy saving indicators (calculated by 12 hours per day):

Saving energy =365*12* (0.5-0.16) =1489.2 every year

Save electricity =1489.2*0.8=1191.36 yuan every year

After the transformation of LED street lamps, each lamp saves electricity by 1191.36 yuan per year. If the LED street lamp is used on the entire road surface, it will save a lot of electricity for the country every year. In terms of economic efficiency, it will save a lot of money.


  What are the inherent advantages of LED street lamps to determine its price?由LED路灯及配件生产厂家丹阳祥云照明器材有限公司于 2018-04-27 10:44:27 整理发布。

